Clarity Case Analysis: Personalised Strategies for Family Court

Expert assessments and strategies for victims of narcissistic abuse.

Comprehensive Case Assessments

Clarity Case Analysis offers in-depth evaluations of family dynamics, behaviours, and evidence. Our thorough assessments are designed to uncover the nuances of narcissistic abuse, providing a clear and detailed understanding of your unique situation.

Expertise in Social Work and Psychology

Our strategies are grounded in the principles of social work, psychology, and behavioral analysis. With a strong foundation in these disciplines, we ensure that every strategy we develop is both scientifically sound and practically effective in addressing the challenges of family court.

Personalised, Actionable Strategies

Each case is unique, and so is our approach. Clarity Case Analysis creates personalized strategies tailored to your specific circumstances. Our goal is to equip you with the tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of family court confidently and effectively.

To Catch A Narcissist, You Must Think Like A Narcissist

This is a take on a famous quote from the book "To Catch A Killer", which suggests that to apprehend a killer, one must delve into the mind of the criminal and understand their motives, thought processes, and patterns. Whilst I am not suggesting your ex is a killer, they are a danger to your safety, sanity and security.  Therefore, using the same approach is fundamental in understanding the behaviours of individuals in high-conflict situations, such as family court cases. This approach emphasises the importance of psychological insight and strategic thinking in solving complex problems.  It is what is missing in the majority of legal strategies because lawyers and solicitors simply don't have this expertise.  It is why so many cases are mis-managed from day one and end up taking years to resolve.

That's where our Clarity Case Analysis comes in - a powerful tool based on a Behavioural Analysis process, that has been instrumental in profiling and catching some of the most notorious criminals and serial killers.

What it offers:

Profiling Expertise for Your Case

The same techniques used to understand and apprehend criminals can be applied to family court cases. Our Clarity Case Analysis will analyse your exes' motivations, psychology, distorted thought patterns, behaviours and actions, to build a comprehensive profile. This can be particularly useful when dealing with a narcissistic ex-partner, as it helps to predict their behaviour and strategise accordingly.

Strategic Advantage in Court

Our Clarity Case Analysis can offer interview strategies, case insights, and cross examination tools to help you gain the upper hand in court. By presenting a behaviourally-informed case, you can anticipate your ex-partner's moves and counter them effectively.

Empower Your Legal Team

Equip your legal team with the knowledge and tactics derived from our Clarity Case Analysis. This scientific approach can be the key to navigating the complexities of your family court case with confidence. Remember, knowledge is power - especially when it comes to understanding the mind of your opponent.

Take Control of Your Future

Don't let a high-conflict family court case overwhelm you. With the expertise of our Clarity Case Analysis, you can turn the tables and secure a favourable outcome as well as guidance for future proofing your case and preventing long term economic and legal abuse. It's time to take control and protect what matters most - your family and your future.

Very few people truly understand Narcissistic abuse and parental alienation. When solicitors get it wrong it can be catastrophic for your bank balance, your children and your heart. Our strategy spells it out, in simple terms, how to approach this case based on YOUR EX'S personality not a generic high conflict model. If you are self-representing, you can use the strategy report to form the basis of your plan of attack.  We take the time to get to know you, we understand the psychology of your ex and we know how to present risk. Our Clarity Case Analysis report will help educate your legal representative with a solution based approach.  It will save you time, money and heartache.

We can help take you from here:

Child Protection Concerns

Financial Issues (no access to legal aid)

Overwhelmed with Allegations and Communication

Worried Your Ex Will Manipulate The Court

To Here:


Clearly presented, child-focused and evidence based concerns using the Welfare Checklist criteria and social work assessment tools


A well-boundaried communication and co-parenting strategy to protect the children from the external conflict and triangulation of their narcissistic parent


A clear harmful pattern of behaviour, based in psychological and behavioural analysis which will prove the abuse of you and the children

Includes a unique false allegation analysis

All narcissists use false allegations.

This is a unique and game changing part of your strategy!

Since navigating a high conflict child case and finance case as a litigant in person with a highly narcissistic/psychopathic individual and on/off solicitors due to costs, finding Sarah and having her expertise and advice has been game changing. Due to her experience of being a social worker and being highly knowledgeable on NPD she has been able to predict behaviours/next moves and offer me support when I needed it the most after finding myself being the target of smear campaigns and flying monkeys (even with the court ‘professionals’). Having Sarah on my side has helped me navigate my way out of this and reclaim some of my power back. Cannot recommend her more highly. If you are going through something similar I would highly recommend her.


Unlock Clarity and Empowerment


A personalised behavioural, personality and child protection analysis forming a specialist strategy to counter your exes manipulative, deceitful and destructive tactics with an evidence-based approach.

Facing a high-conflict legal battle can be daunting, but with Clarity Case Analysis, you gain the upper hand. Our in-depth 2-hour assessment session is designed to illuminate the tactics and behaviours of a narcissistic ex-partner, providing you with a clear understanding of what lies ahead.  You will receive a comprehensive analysis report of the patterns, risk and behaviours, and strategy recommendations to inform your legal strategy.

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* This is an introductory offer.  Normal price is £999

Without a plan you are vulnerable

If your ex is displaying signs of narcissistic, high conflict behaviours, then you are already behind.  Your ex will have begun a smear campaign years ago, laying the seeds of doubt of your stability and character.  They will have told friends, family, colleagues and even GP's and school that you are abusive, mentally unwell and displaying concerning behaviour.

All to ensure that when you finally do pluck up the courage to leave or speak out about what you have endured, no-one believes a word you said and won't even look at your evidence because they have made their minds up.  In court this is catastrophic!

How a specialist case analysis can help

A high conflict case assessment equips individuals with the necessary documentation, analysis, and strategy to navigate the challenging waters of family court with confidence, clarity and credibility.  It will help you to develop a co-parenting and communication strategy to reduce conflict.  Our risk assessment can be used to share your concerns with the Cafcass Officer, ensuring you remain child centred and present clear and obvious reasoning for your case.  You can also take this to your legal representative or use it to inform your legal strategy, saving you hundreds if not thousands of pounds.  It will give you a clear picture, from an expert, of who and what you are dealing with and how to approach the case to ensure you minimise the impact of your exes tactics on you and your children, which will save you time in court and ensure you bypass their diversionary and delaying tactics, obtaining an order which protects you now and in the future.

Evidence-Based Approach

A case assessment provides a structured method to document interactions, incidents, and any changes in children's behaviour, which can serve as critical evidence in court.

Objective Analysis

It offers an objective analysis of the parenting capacity, the child's needs, and the impact of the conflict on the child, which can help the court make informed decisions

Risk Assessment

The assessment evaluates the risk of harm to the child, considering both past events and potential future risks, ensuring the child's safety is prioritise

Strategic Planning

It aids in developing a personalised strategy for court proceedings, helping individuals anticipate and counteract the tactics used by a high-conflict ex-partner

Professional Insight

Conducted by experts, the assessment provides insights into complex family dynamics and the behaviours of high-conflict personalities, which might otherwise be misunderstood


The assessment centres around the best interests of the child, providing a clear picture of what arrangements will support the child's welfare

Discover the Insights You Need to Thrive in the Legal Arena

What's included?

We have included everything you need to develop a strong strategy and prepare a forensically sound case.

Personalised Behavioural Analysis

Our expert assessors delve deep into your ex-partner's playbook. We decode their specific behaviours, tactics, and manipulation techniques. You'll receive a tailored report that sheds light on their every move, empowering you to anticipate and counter effectively.

Children's Risk Assessment

Your child's well-being is our priority. Our assessment evaluates the risks posed by the high-conflict dynamics. We identify potential harm, emotional distress, and any adverse impact on your children. Knowledge is power—prepare to protect your little ones.  This will help you prepare for Cafcass meetings, ensuring you remain child focused and use language they understand to convey risk.

Strategic Roadmap for Family Court

No more stumbling in the legal labyrinth. We craft a personalised strategy that aligns with your unique circumstances. From evidence presentation to courtroom demeanour, we equip you with the tools to confidently face the judge

What People Are Saying

After years of his ex deliberately sabotaging his relationship with his children to the point where he was completely alienated, Mark was able to obtain a court order which asked Cafcass to consider alienation and a change of residency IN HIS FIRST HEARING! This set the tone for further hearings and ensured that every tactic his ex used from that moment was viewed through the lens of alienating behaviours.

"I can't thank Sarah enough for helping me not only with my strategy but also with identifying a key pattern of behaviour which unlocked the whole case."

Mark - Alienated Father

How our analysis can inform your case

Objective Evaluation

Solicitors or Litigants in Person (LiP) can benefit from an independent assessment of the family dynamics, parenting capacity, and child's needs. These assessments provide an objective evaluation that complements legal arguments and helps build a stronger case

Informed Decision-Making

Assessments assist solicitors in making informed decisions about child arrangements. By understanding the parenting abilities, risk factors, and impact of conflict, solicitors can advocate for arrangements that prioritize the child's welfare

Evidence Enhancement

Our analysis provides additional evidence beyond legal arguments. Solicitors can use the report to support their claims, especially when dealing with allegations of abuse or neglect

Risk Assessment

Solicitors or LiP's can assess the risk of harm to the child based on the assessment findings. This information guides legal strategies and ensures the child's safety remains paramount

Effective Court Presentation

Armed with assessment insights, solicitors can present a more compelling case in court. They can anticipate and counteract tactics used by high-conflict ex-partners, enhancing their client's position

Child-Centric Approach

Our analysis focus' on the child's best interests. Solicitors or LiP's can align their legal strategies with the assessment recommendations, ensuring a child-centric approach

The Process

Once you have purchased the package, we will contact you within 24 hours (normal working hours) to arrange your 2 hour session for us to undertake an assessment of your case.

During these 2 hours together, we will ask you about the relevant parties (you, your ex, the children and anyone else you feel is relevant).  We will also gather background details, the significant facts and the child's expressed wishes (from you).

It will be helpful to provide us with statements and reports as well.  Once we have all the information we need, we will get to work on analysing the information using a range of tools specially designed to assess these types of personalities and cases.  You will receive your completed comprehensive report which will include:

  • assessment of children's needs and parental capacity
  • an analysis of the issues discussed
  • personality assessment
  • evidence record and analysis
  • pattern analysis
  • exes trigger points
  • their fear and motivation
  • risk and impact analysis
  • strategy recommendations

We will have a follow-up call to discuss the report so you can ask any questions and devise next steps.  You can then use this report to inform your case and/or share with your legal representation.

We will discuss timescales with you during the 2 hour assessment but we will aim to get the report to you within 14 days of the assessment being carried out so please bear this in mind when purchasing.

Your Personal Armoury

I remember the moment my stomach dropped when I realised the enormity of what we were facing. I honestly felt hopeless and that there was no point fighting.

The ex had all the cards and had played a blinder.

They had started the smear campaign long ago so people were already suspicious which of course made me more nervous, unconsciously adding to the false narrative.

The kids were ill every time we were due to have them, so they said, and it was affecting our relationship. I was so angry all the time.

It got worse when I realised how difficult court would be. We had no money and they had the golden bullet - the children. They had threatened to stop contact before and destroy us so we knew what they were capable of.  We were afraid to "poke the bear".  But if we didn't do anything the relationship with the kids was going to be eroded anyway. 

It felt like a lose-lose situation.

We didn't know what to do.  The reality was that this could go on for years and would cost a fortune, a fortune we didn't have. Legal aid wasn't an option because of the smear campaign. I felt too ashamed to ask for help. We didn't have a hope in hell.

I didn't know it at the time but in that moment the seed of Get Court Ready was sown. I have since worked with hundreds of parents to develop strategy, creating a tonne of free content and crafting unique products and services to help.

Clarity Case Analysis is the culmination of it all. My social work experience. My counselling training. My personal journey. As well as my inner strengths of being able to spot patterns and understand human behaviours, to regularly be able to zoom out and see the bigger picture, and my obsessive pursuit of solutions.  All coming together to create a brilliant service to help you (my past self) overcome this relentless and seemingly invincible foe.

Let me bring my army of knowledge to produce a comprehensive, evidence-based and child centric strategy to your fight.

Let's fire all we got at them!

What will you chose?

"Facing a high-conflict personality in family court requires a strategic approach"

The wrong strategy will set you back years, harm your relationship with your children and cost you tens of thousands of pounds to remedy.

The right strategy however, gives you confidence, clarity and credibility. 

Invest in Your Peace of Mind Today!

Uncover the truth, protect your children, and step confidently into the courtroom. Your future awaits

* This is an introductory offer.  Normal price is £999

Find out exactly what you are up against with our free


This is a short assessment is designed to give you insight into the level of severity you are dealing with. You will then receive guidance on the level of conflict you are dealing with, the tactics they are likely to use and methods which will / will not work, as well as advice on next steps.

If you are a professional who is interested in finding out more about how Get Court Ready can help your clients and to feature as one of our Partners, please email us


Specialist therapy and courses for victims of parental alienation and narcissistic abuse

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Advanced Assessment & Solutions Ltd

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