Are you dealing with a high conflict personality?

High-conflict personalities are individuals who tend to escalate conflict and bring problems to the surface. They may blame others, be argumentative, and refuse to compromise. If you're dealing with a high-conflict personality, Family Court can become a battle ground very quickly and, due to the tactics used by a High Conflict personality (such as DARVO and parental alienation), you could find yourself being accused of being the problematic party and spend your time defending false allegations rather than being able to present the risk your ex poses.

Our quick and easy quiz can help you determine not only if you're dealing with a high-conflict personality but the level of severity and most importantly, what this means for your Family Court case strategy.

This quiz has been designed using psychological indicators to measure behaviours.  Please note that this is not in any way diagnostic but rather a tool to help you prepare for court.

1 of 15

Does this person describe feelings of chronic stress? I.e. is everything in their life stressful and has been for a long time?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does this person believe that all of their problems are external? I.e. is everything someone or something else’s fault?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Has this person disclosed behaving inappropriately to relieve their feelings of stress? E.g road rage, drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity.

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does the inappropriate behaviour fail to relieve their feelings of stress and can sometimes make them feel more stressed?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does negative feedback increase the stress levels with this person?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does this person describe a lot of conflict in their lives with other people either in the current situation or over time?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does this person constantly refer to themselves (either overtly or covertly) as being a victim either in the current situation or over time?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Is this person unable to reflect on their own behaviours and take responsibility?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does this person refuse to take on board behavioural change feedback? E.g. you suggest they do things a different way and either they agree but later fail to follow the advice or react badly to the suggestion.

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does this person vehemently deny any wrongdoing or being an active part in the conflict?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does this person deny any responsibility in resolving the conflict?

Rate your score between 1 and 10

Does this person refuse mental health support? Either engaging for short periods and then claiming the therapist was wrong, or not attending at all.

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does this person seek others to confirm their behaviours are appropriate?

Rate your answer between 1 and 10

Does this person focus intense energy on analysing and blaming the other person?

Rate your score between 1 and 10

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This is a short assessment is designed to give you insight into the level of severity you are dealing with. You will then receive guidance on the level of conflict you are dealing with, the tactics they are likely to use and methods which will / will not work, as well as advice on next steps.

If you are a professional who is interested in finding out more about how Get Court Ready can help your clients and to feature as one of our Partners, please email us


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