"Stand out from your competitors and show your clients you recognise their trauma and understand the complexity of their case"

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If you are a parent who is going through court against an abusive ex, you need our Get Court Ready Online Programme

Get Court Ready is
your opportunity to acknowledge the difficulties in Family Court and to tackle them for your clients

Family Court fails domestic abuse victims

In the 2020 Assessing Risk of Harm to Children and Parents in Private Law Children Cases published by the Ministry of Justice, serious concerns were raised about how the Family Courts were failing to protect domestic abuse victims. In 2019/2020 there were 55,253 private law children applications and at least 40% of them raised issues of domestic abuse.

Parental Alienation is repeatedly mismanaged

According to the 2020 research paper The Clinical and Legal Management

of Parental Alienation in the

United Kingdom by Wolverhampton University, professionals reported that outcomes from family court for children experiencing parental alienation were mainly rated as extremely poor [seven (77.8%)].

Get Court Ready is designed specifically for victims of domestic abuse

It is the only gender-neutral programme of it's kind designed to empower, prepare and heal victims of domestic abuse as they go through the Family Court system.

Get Court Ready includes guidance on Parental Alienation

Despite the controversy and campaign to see alienating behaviours removed from the Domestic Abuse Guidance, we know that in the UK courts it is accepted as real and therefore victims deserve access to support and guidance just like any other victim of domestic abuse does.


After years of working with clients not only dealing with the aftermath of an abusive relationship but also re-traumatised by the Family Court system, I wanted to create a solution which would tackle the main problems clients were sharing with me.  Namely:

  • abusers are using the system and it's outdated methods to continue the abuse
  • children are being ripped from healthy, loving parents and left with psychologically abusive parents
  • a victims natural reactions to trauma and grief were being used against them by ill-informed professionals

In 2020 the Ministry of Justice published their own findings which confirmed all my clients had been telling me. Coupled with the approval of the Domestic Abuse Bill 2020, and having already developed Get Court Ready, I knew that now was the time this programme was needed.

Get Court Ready is trauma-informed, gender neutral and evidence based.  It is designed to tackle the main issues identified within Family Court for victims of domestic abuse. 

It aims to counteract unconscious bias and stereotypes around how victims "should" present by including an incredible neuroresilience toolkit designed to help heal the symptoms of complex PTSD, anxiety and trauma.

It includes alienation because evidence shows that the behaviours exist and are prevalent in private law cases.  We believe that Get Court Ready will help real victims present their cases with more clarity and confidence, thus revealing false allegations and abusive behaviours faster.

I’ve learned a great deal about what works and what doesn’t.


"All men are perpetrators and all women are victims"

People of any gender can perpetrate domestic abuse and it can happen in different and same-sex couples. In the case reviews analysed, both men and women perpetrated domestic abuse (NSPCC report 2020)

Professionals need to be open-minded about allegations of domestic abuse.  

Three main theories you need to consider are:

  • PARENT A is behaving badly
  • PARENT A is not (for the most part) behaving badly, PARENT B is fabricating allegations
  • Both are contributing

Either party can be PARENT A and PARENT B.


"Victims should present in a certain way and not be over/under emotional"

PTSD puts the nervous system into hyper- or hypo-arousal state, which manifests as either emotionally numb or overwhelmed.

Most victims are plunged straight into a court battle following separation and often have to prioritise legal fees over therapy.

Clients often expect more support than you can provide because they are processing their experience and you are the "only port in a storm". This can result in excessive communication and even blurred boundaries.


"Parental Alienation is rare and is more often used as a tool by abusive men to regain control of their ex"

In a research paper carried out by the University of Wolverhampton, seven (77.8%) respondents stated they had been involved in cases in which they had identified parental alienation was a factor.  Cafcass themselves admitted that “Parental alienation is responsible for around 80% of the most intransigent cases that come before the family courts" (Sarah Parsons 2016).

This figure seems pretty consistent over a 4 year period.

It's important that professionals acknowledge the prevalence of parental alienation and do not simply dismiss it as fake.

The Devastating Story Of Archie Spriggs

The tragic story of little Archie Spriggs who was failed by the dominant flawed media narrative that women are only victims of domestic abuse and that all claims of parental alienation are made only with 'malicious' intent. Trigger Warning - Some of this video may upset viewers (Parental Alienation UK 2021)

A child's letter to their parent

(from: https://parentalalienationuk.info/why-are-we-staying-silent-and-allowing-this-issue-to-be-misrepresented/)


"The wishes and feelings of the children should be paramount when making decisions about contact"

In 2010/11, Dr Kirk Weir found that out of 78 children he interviewed who had previously expressed a desire NOT to have contact with one parent, 15 of them told him that they actually DID want contact with the previously rejected parent.

There are many complex reasons why children reject parents but professionals should be reluctant to just accept their words and deem them Gillick Competent simply because they appear capable.  When children are refusing contact and allegations of abuse are being made, further investigation should always be recommended.

Clients want comfort, support and


Get Court Ready demonstrates to them that you understand and are best placed to help them when they need it the most

The truth is it's about more than just attracting new clients....

High conflict cases (which those involving allegations of domestic abuse usually are) take up 90% of the courts time - that includes you! Get Court Ready protects your team from the usual overwhelm (physical and emotional) these types of cases bring with them. 

Reputation is everything and with the highlight on Family Court and domestic abuse, you need to ensure your clients walk away happy. Get Court Ready helps your clients to manage their expectations and understand the process so they aren't disappointed with you and will happily refer you to others.

Vicarious trauma is likely when dealing with harrowing tales of abuse which can lead to stress and increase in sickness. Get Court Ready puts clear boundaries in place for you by putting the client in control of their evidence, protecting your team from the stress and trauma.



One of the biggest concerns coming out of research is that professionals don't have a good enough understanding of domestic abuse.  

Clients need to feel understood!

Get Court Ready shows them that you do understand and that you want to help without it draining any more of your time.  


Great law firms understand that court and the hearings are a small part of the issue domestic abuse clients struggle with.  They have to navigate Cafcass involvement as well as institutional bias.  

You can't be with them 24 hours a day!

Get Court Ready gives you and your client the knowledge they need to handle life within the court process without imploding and doing or saying something which goes against them.


A recent survey of lawyers revealed that "28% agreed or strongly agreed that their work required them to be available to clients 24/7, while 65% said they checked emails outside of work hours to keep up with their workload."

Cases involving domestic abuse and conflict, take up 90% of the courts time and energy!

Get Court Ready protects your team from vicarious trauma experienced by listening to harrowing tales of abuse every day by putting the client in charge of their evidence.


A recent research project involving lawyers revealed that the "majority stated that family law processes were extremely ineffective (77.8%)".  Acknowledging the fact that the system is flawed demonstrates that you are on their side.

Abuse victims need to feel supported and that you understand their plight. 

Get Court Ready shows them that you recognise the system is flawed and that you want to do all you can to level the playing field for them, building trust with your client in the process.

Book a 30-min call
virtual zoom tour!


The recent Channel 4 Dispatches programme "Torn Apart: Family Courts Uncovered" has shone a light on the "unethical practices" which happen in Family Court.  Whilst the show itself has come under scrutiny for tampering with stories and distorting the narrative, the reality is that more and more people are questioning all those involved in Family Court and that includes lawyers.   


On 25 June 2020, the Government announced an ‘overhaul’ of the Family Court to protect victims of domestic abuse, in particular those involved in private law children cases, where there is typically a dispute between parents regarding the arrangements for their child(ren). Whilst there is some acknowledgment that the system is failing families, these changes take time to come into effect meaning current users of the courts are unlikely to feel understood or supported.  


Outcomes from family court for children experiencing parental alienation were mainly

rated as extremely poor(77.8%) in a recent research paper. The Assessing Risk of Harm to Children and Parents in Private Law Children Cases found that respondents felt that orders made by the court had enabled the continued control of children and adult victims of domestic abuse by alleged abusers, as well as the continued abuse of victims and children.


More than two-thirds of lawyers (69%) have experienced mental ill health in the last year, according to a recent report carried out by LawCare.  Listening to abuse victims recall horrific abuse of them and their children can lead to vicarious trauma and create stress and anxiety in the lawyer.  


Abuse victims don't easily trust people and so it can be difficult to create a good working relationship, meaning clients don't always share details of their experience out of fear or reprisal or even rejection.  This can lead to "surprising" disclosures at inopportune times, leaving your case vulnerable.


 Get Court Ready 

Partner Programme

The "Get Court Ready" partner programme is offered in

packages of 20

Each package includes 20 Parental Alienation Study guides (hardcopy), 20 Study Workbooks (hardcopy) and free access for 20 clients to the Get Court Ready online programme.

You can use the package as part of your sign up procedure to encourage clients to work with you

The Get Court Ready programme includes:

7 Modules

54 Video Lessons

111 Page PDF

Facebook Group

Excellent Support


The Abuser

Find out how abusers behave in court

Abusers put on a great performance and this can totally throw your client off as they make start to doubt themselves, their evidence and their feelings which can impact negatively on their credibility.

Understand the different types of abusers

We talk your client through four main types of abusers and some of the behaviours they can expect so that they can manage their reactions better and appear calmer in court.

Discover the psychology of abusers

Many victims of domestic abuse feel guilt and shame which can present as being unstable and unreliable, helping them to understand the true nature of their abuser helps them to detach from the person and the experience.

Identifying their weaknesses

Empower your clients with an understanding of how to regain some control and help them move past victimhood.

Getting the abuser to reveal themselves

Victims of abuse question their reality and the court process can be invalidating and so giving them the tools helps them to prove their experience was real and helps the court make better and faster decisions.


Plan and Prepare

Your Options

Using the level of severity quiz results, we explore your clients options based on the likely behavioural patterns their ex will exhibit

The Process

Signposting to various resources to help your client understand more about what to expect from Family Court

Tactics the abuser may use

A summary of the types of behaviours an abusive ex will utilise in court both short and long term including a personalised profile of the types of behaviours to expect

Preparing for false allegations

Using the personal profile to predict false allegations in order to be prepared prior to the allegation being made

Future proofing

What to consider in a Final Order to prevent repeated applications being made



Organsing your experience

Using the legal framework to help your client to process and organise their experience into categories which can be used in writing powerful Position Statements.

Organsing your evidence

Helping your client to understand what is counted as evidence and what their exes narrative will be.  Includes EVIDENCETRACKER, our specialised reporting spreadsheet to help clients organise their evidence and easily access the most important information and documents.

Submittable evidence

Identifying what to include and the goal of the evidence in order to keep the client focused and manage expectations.

Delivering the evidence

Helps you client to understand the importance of non-verbal communication is delivering their evidence so it is heard and taken seriously.

Mastering the evidence

Highlights the importance of creating a habit around recording and documenting evidence.


Assessing and Managing Risk

Risk and contact

Setting realistic expectations for your client about contact with an abusive ex to minimise emotional outbursts, breaches of court orders and disappointment with outcomes.

The legal context

Exploring the legal definition of risk and how to apply it to your clients case including coercive control, emotional abuse and witness to domestic abuse.

What is risk?

Using child protection and ACE criteria to present associated risk and the impact it is likely to have/be having on the children.

Assessing risk

Explaining the process of risk assessment and the areas examined to enable the client to highlight the main areas of concern in a child focused manner.

Managing Risk

Helping your client to manage the risk outside of court including referrals to social services, stopping contact and returning to court.


Working with professionals

General Guidance

Advising your client on who, when and what to do when involving professionals to avoid being accused of spreading lies.

Who to involve

Exploring the specifics of who to involve and in what capacity to ensure your client feels supported and has the evidence required.  Also includes a section on choosing a solicitor and a psychologist,

Understanding the role of professionals

Explaining the different working models within the Family Court process to help your clients communicate more effectively and within the services framework.

Working with professionals

Helping your client to rewrite any false narratives and present a psychologically effective statement designed specifically for domestic abuse cases.

Getting good reports

Guidance on understanding what constitutes a good report and how to obtain one including the use of opinion, recommendations and consequences.


Self Assessment

The drama triangle

Helping your clients to understand the role they have played in the relationship, the current role they are playing and the false narrative of their ex.

Taking responsibility

Recognising the behaviours which your client's ex will use to create a false narrative, contribute to the conflict and preparing them for false allegations.

Understanding triggers

Helping your client to identify their own "hot buttons" which their ex will use to trigger an adverse reaction in them which will them be used as "evidence" of their unreasonable behaviour.

Managing Reactions

Understanding the role of PTSD, using the STOPP method to manage triggers and develop strategies for emotional regulation under pressure.

Self Mastery

Helping your client to develop confidence to deal with any allegations or tactics their ex uses both in court and between hearings.


Emotional Recovery

Creating your own trauma narrative

Helping your clients to process their trauma and release the trauma bond which keeps them connected and emotionally vulnerable to their ex.

Recognising codependency and limiting beliefs

Understanding their codependent traits which keeps them in a cycle of abuse, how their limiting beliefs are shaping their experience and how to resolve them

Creating a powerful life vision

Empowering your client with the tools to be future focused with powerful goals.

Neuro-resilience toolkit

Understanding the role of PTSD, using the STOPP method to manage triggers and develop strategies for emotional regulation under pressure.

6 Incredible modules

Designed to bring your client's nervous system back into alignment allowing them to work through their trauma without having to re-experience it.

Emotional Regulation Practice
Fight or Flight Off-Switch
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Vagus Activation
Neuro Resilience Training
Music Modulation Therapy

Worth £17 per course (£340 in total) 

You'll get these BONUSES!

Get £1,700 worth of Bonuses FREE.


Parental Alienation Survival Guide

Value £400

You will receive 20 copes of this 107 page guide published by Parental Alienation UK.


A comprehensive introduction to Parental Alienation

Your role as a parent

A child’s rights

The rights of a parent

Signs of PA

Alienating strategies explained

The facts and myths

Alienating behaviours and how to spot the red flags

Living with and understand PA

How to handle an alienated child

Your well-being and support

Understanding the family court system

Support for alienated grandparents


Study Workbook

Value £300

You will receive 20 copies of the Study Workbook designed to support your clients learning through the course.


Communication Guide

Value £1,000

Includes high conflict models of BIFF communication plus Writing for Court guidance.


You'll also get: 


If you require any extra workbooks or Parental Alienation Survival Guides, we will offer them at discounted prices

Price Freeze

We will honour the original price your entered the Partner Programme for 12 months.


If you require additional support with a case, you can book a Strategy Call for half price

Enroll comfortably with our 100%

RISK-FREE Guarantee

We will give you a 48 hour (business hours) Cooling Off Period in case of any sudden changes in your business.  

Once Again, Here's Everything You

Get ACCESS To Once You Enroll:

Get Court Ready

Partner Programme

Designed to help you get more clients and build a solid reputation in the domestic abuse, coercive control and parental alienation field.

Free Access For 20 Clients

To our specially designed Get Court Ready online programme

(£1,140 Value)

20 Parental Alienation Survival Guides

Produced by Good Egg Safety and Parental Alienation UK, this 108 page guide is a must for anyone experiencing parental alienation.

(£400 Value)

20 Study Workbooks

A comprehensive study workbook to support your client's journey through the Get Court Ready programme.

(£300 Value)

Get started today...

Start attracting more clients and building a solid reputation in the domestic abuse, coercive control and parental alienation field.

Professional Partner Programme

£997 £699

Free access to Get Court Ready for 20 clients

20 Parental Alienation Survival Guides

20 Study Workbooks

TRUSTED by 10,000+ Students

Let us help you too!

What some of our students say!


After 6 years of being disbelieved and reprimanded for my own behaviour, the GAL did a complete 180 and robustly put their support behind me. As did the Youth Worker. And finally the judge! 4 months down the line and we are free! Living life without fear and the children are supported.


From someone 13 years past leaving my abuser, I didn’t think anyone could do anything to improve our situation….This course is worth its weight in gold - from someone who was a bit of a skeptic, I stand corrected! Thank you. This works and what you’re doing is so powerful.

Common Questions

Can I order more workbooks?  

Yes you can order more workbooks at any time.  Just send us an email or call us with the volume required and delivery will be within 3-5 working days.

How do I order another package?  

You can either order directly through the website or email/call us and we will manually place that order for you.  The invoice must be paid in full before access can be given.

Will this take up more of my time?

Once you have given your client access through your own unique code, they can deal directly with us regarding the online programme.  If they do come to you simply refer them back to us. 

Can I refer the programme to colleagues?  

You definitely can and we would greatly appreciate it if you would.  In fact we appreciate your referrals so much, we will offer you 10% off your own package to say THANK YOU!

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